Dr Clare Walsh
Job Title
Director of Education
IoA, Institute of Analytics
Speaker Bio
Dr Clare Walsh is the Director of Education at the Institute of Analytics, and she oversees their work to upskill organisations in data analytics and digital transformations. She was the author of around 20 books, including global market leaders in their field, and has worked in training at a global level with everyone from teenagers to C-suite. She retrained in analytics mid career, herself, completing an MSc and PhD with the the prestigious Web Science Institute in the Computer Science Department at the University of Southampton. She has advised governments on digital upskilling and the transition from university to the working world of data analytics. She has offered expert advice in complex legal cases in this area and is a popular speaker at engagement events.

I'm happy to do the Open Banking panel and I very much enjoyed attending your event last autumn. I understand that you might also have me on standby for the digital transformation panel, which I'm also happy to do. Please let me know if you have any questions and would like to coordinate with fellow panelists beforehand.