Shoshana Rosenberg, FIP, PLS, CIPM, CIPP/E/A/US/C, CDPSE
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Speaker Bio
Shoshana Rosenberg, FIP, PLS, CIPM, CIPP/E/A/US/C, CDPSE is a seasoned executive and corporate attorney with a broad global purview and over 15 years in international data protection law. Shoshana is a thought leader at the intersection of privacy law and DEI and the founder and CEO of SafePorter, a certified B Corp enabling privacy-by-design DEI programs and true data minimization that eliminates organizational data risk around DEI. A U.S. Navy veteran and a data ethics and emerging technology fanatic, Shoshana is a passionate advocate for social entrepreneurship and inclusion by design. Shoshana is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Advisory Board on Diversity in Privacy and sits on the Board of Inclusion by Design, a nonprofit focused on furthering DEI globally and ensuring that member organizations have the policies and frameworks needed to support and follow through on their inclusion and diversity mandates and programs; She is also the Board Chair and a founding member of Uryadi’s Village, a permaculture based orphanage in Soddo, Ethiopia.