Professor Binna Kandola OBE
Job Title
Business Psychologist, author of “Racism at Work”: The Danger of Indifference”, and Senior Partner & Co-Founder
Pearn Kondola LLP
Speaker Bio
Binna is particularly interested in the study of gender bias and unconscious bias in organisations. He is the author of three critically acclaimed books on these subjects – 'The Invention of Difference: The story of gender bias at work', 'The Value of Difference: Eliminating bias in organisations, and 'Racism at Work: The Danger of Indifference'.

His most recent book, 'Free to Soar: Race & Wellbeing in Organisations', which he edited, explores the relationship between race and wellbeing in the workplace.

He is also the co-author of several other management books. One of which, 'Managing the Mosaic', won a Special Commendation at the 1994 Management Book of the Year Awards.

Binna was the first Chair of the Standing Committee for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a member of Sir Robin Butler's Panel of Enquiry into Equal Opportunities in the Senior Civil Service. He has also been a member of the Board of Trustees of the BPS, and in 2002 was elected as Chair of the Division of Occupational Psychology. Additionally, in January 2004, Binna was invited to join the UK Government's National Employment Panel and appointed Chair of the Minority Ethnic Group.

He is currently a visiting Professor at Leeds University Business School and at Aston University Business School. In 2012 the University of Aston awarded him an Honorary DSc. Binna was awarded an OBE in 2008 for his services to Disadvantaged People and Diversity and he is also on the Asian Power List 2020.