Nick Reynard
Job Title
Head of Hydro-Climate Risks
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH)
Speaker Bio
Nick is the Head of Hydro-Climatic Risks at UKCEH, leading a large group of staff including land-surface and hydrological modellers. The Science Area includes research into flood and drought prediction and forecasting, land surface processes and land-atmosphere interactions. The focus of his personal research is the development and application of hydrological models to investigate the implications of environmental, including climate change, the quantification of uncertainty in hydrological modelling under non-stationarity and for detecting and attributing trends in environmental datasets. He is currently co-Director of the new National Climate Science Partnership (UKNCSP). He represents UKCEH on the Steering Group of the Natural Hazards Partnership (NHP) and the UK Flood Hydrology Roadmap Science and Technical Advisory Group (STAG). He was as a member of the Science Advisory Group of the National Flood Resilience Review in 2016, the Science and Engineering Panel of the Pitt Review in 2008, and part the UK Foresight Flooding programme.