
Here's what's scheduled for the event. All times are in GMT.

8:30 AM
Registration and morning networking
9:10 AM

Maurice Button, CEO, City & Financial Global

9:15 AM
Chair’s opening remarks

David Craig, Co-chair, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

9:25 AM
Keynote address: Developing our understanding of natural capital and why it matters

Professor Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist, Natural England

9:40 AM
Panel: The State of Nature Finance - COP Take-Outs and Next Steps


Dr Simon Zadek, Senior Advisor, NatureFinance


Neville Ash, Director, UNEP-WCMC

Helen Avery, Director, Nature Programmes and GFI Hive, Green Finance Institute

Andrea Ledward CBE, Director of International Biodiversity and Wildlife, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

10:30 AM
Panel: Embedding TNFD recommendations into the global reporting system


Emily McKenzie, Technical Director, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)


Peter Paul van de Wijs, Chief Policy Officer, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Richard Barker, Board Member, International Sustainability Standards Board

Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

11:15 AM
Coffee and networking break
11:45 AM
TNFD in practice: The Real Estate Sector

Sarah Ratcliffe, Chief Executive Officer, Better Buildings Partnership

12:00 PM
New investment opportunities, including in the blue economy


Prof. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey, Founder and Co-CEO, The Landbanking Group


Dr Rachael Barza, Associate Director, Lead Climate Adaptation and Nature Finance, EBRD

Will Oulton, Non-Executive Director, Marine Conservation Society

Ben Newton, Chief Investment Officer, Yeo Ventures

12:50 PM
Networking & lunch
1:50 PM
Panel: Sourcing high-quality data and analytics for assessment, disclosure and monitoring purposes


Peter Ward, Head of Corporate Partnerships, The Natural History Museum


Sebastian Leape, Chief Executive Officer, Natcap

Hannah Cool, Chief Operating Officer, B4NZ

Christian O'Dwyer, CFA, Head of Nature Solutions, Bloomberg

Saurabh Srivastava, Head of Sustainability Data & Ratings, Inrate 

2:40 PM
Panel: Assessing the progress in the biodiversity credit markets


Jessica Fries, Executive Chair, Accounting for Sustainability (A4S)


Sylvie Goulard, Former Deputy Governor of the Banque de France, Co-Chair, International Advisory Panel for Biodiversity Credits

Edmund Pragnell, Nature Finance Lead, CreditNature 

David Vaillant, Global Head of Finance, Strategy and Participations, BNP Paribas Asset Management

3:25 PM
Case study: Nature risk in practice

Siobhan Stewart, Head of Delivery, Natcap

Cat Valentin Hemmingsen, Senior Biodiversity Advisor, Ørsted

3:45 PM
Panel: Combining nature and climate transition plans

Natalie Nicholles, Executive Director, Capitals Coalition 


Hans Mehn, Partner, Generation Investment Management

Thomas Viegas, Nature Strategy Lead, Aviva

Abyd Karmali OBE, Managing Director, Climate Finance, Bank of America 

4:30 PM
Chair’s closing remarks

David Craig, Co-chair, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

4:35 PM
Afternoon tea and networking
5:00 PM
Close of proceedings

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