The Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA) exists to provide guidance for the establishment of a credible and scalable market that stands up to the scrutiny of multiple stakeholders. Key among them are Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities at the frontline of the biodiversity crisis. Through BCA Communities Advisory Panel, BCA is working together with the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to ensure strong foundations and principles exist and can be applied by all market participants going forward.
With support from United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), BCA was launched during the CBD COP 15 as a voluntary international alliance that brings together diverse stakeholders to support the realization of the GBF, in particular Targets 19(c) and (d), which “encourage the private sector to invest in biodiversity” utilizing, amongst others “biodiversity credits … with social safeguards.”
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The Global Association of Risk Professionals is a non-partisan, not-for-profit membership organization focused on elevating the practice of risk management. GARP offers the leading global certification for risk managers in the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®), as well as the Sustainability and Climate Risk (SCR®) Certificate and ongoing educational opportunities through Continuing Professional Development. To access GARP’s cutting-edge research, thought leadership, and critical insights on climate risk visit,
Through the GARP Benchmarking Initiative (GBI)® and GARP Risk Institute (GRI), GARP sponsors research in risk management and promotes collaboration among practitioners, academics, and regulators. Founded in 1996 and governed by a Board of Trustees, GARP is headquartered in Jersey City, N.J., with offices in London and Hong Kong. For more information, visit
The International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) was launched in June 2023 by the UK and France as an independent initiative to help shape and scale-up the development of high-integrity biodiversity credit markets that deliver for people and the planet.
The Panel is co-Chaired by Dame Amelia Fawcett and Sylvie Goulard. It is a diverse, expert group of more than 25 senior representatives from finance, business, NGOs, and Indigenous Peoples and local communities based in more than a dozen countries.
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