
Here's what's scheduled for the event. All times are in BST.

8:30 AM
Registration, morning coffee & networking
8:55 AM
Conference introduction

Maurice Button, Chief Executive, City & Financial Global

9:00 AM
Chair’s opening remarks

Vivienne Artz OBE FCSI (Hon) CMgr CCMI AIGP, CEO of FTSE Women Leaders Review

9:05 AM

Keynote address I - Web, Weather, World & Women

Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, CEO, 20-First

9:20 AM
Keynote address II - Inclusion: The Catalyst for Positive Change Amid Slow Progress Towards Diversity Targets and an Increasing Backlash

Mark Freed, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Men for Inclusion

9:35 AM
Keynote address III - Intersectional identities and inequities: A way forward through entrepreneurship, investment and innovation

Dr Elizabeth Shaw, Founder, 1000 Black Voices

10:10 AM
Keynote address followed by keynote panel I – Getting men engaged and helping create gender and generational balance – how can we encourage more men to support progress?

Keynote address

Chris Hayward, Policy Chairman, City of London Corporation     


Baroness Helena Morrissey DBE, Chair, Diversity Project and Founder, 30% Club


Roshni Haywood, Global Head of HR, Digital Business Services, HSBC

Mark Freed, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Men for Inclusion

Diana Noble CBE, Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chair, Court of Directors, Bank of England

11:10 AM
Morning coffee & networking
11:30 AM
Panel II – Men and women creating the future of finance while dealing with climate change, the rise of AI – what is the best way forward?


Sarah Tijou, Vice President Communications, Panelle and Former Broadcast Journalist, BBC World Service Trust


Professor Helen Pankhurst CBE, Convenor, Centenary Action

Rula Awad, UK Ambassador, Women in AI

Dr Kion Ahadi, C-Level Executive and Board level Leader, Co-Founder, Stealth AI startup and CTO, Legamart

Dr Lara Cathcart, Associate Professor of Finance, Imperial College Business School 

12:20 PM
Panel III: How can we foster a culture that supports gender collaboration and equality in the workplace, and what role does mentoring play in this?


Lucy Ellis-Keeler, Global Compliance Officer for Business Development and Innovation at Citi; Co-Chair of the Future Leaders Shadow Board, Women in Banking & Finance


Jennie Koo, Head of Operational Risk, Paragon; Branch Chair Representative, Women in Banking & Finance

Gwen Faure, Director of Talent and Retention, Women in Banking & Finance

Neeta Mundra, Financial Services Advisor, Salesforce; Head of Senior Business Leaders’ Community, Women in Banking & Finance

1:10 PM
Lunch & networking
1:55 PM
Fireside chat I – Update on the Women in Finance Charter


Vivienne Artz OBE FCSI (Hon) CMgr CCMI AIGP, CEO of FTSE Women Leaders Review

In conversation with

Yasmine Chinwala OBE, Partner, New Financial

2:10 PM

Keynote address IV – Business in the Community and Women at Work

Mary Macleod, CEO, Business in the Community

2:30 PM
Panel IV – Women on the Board – token or totem? – Building on the outcome of the FTSE Women Leaders Review


Vivienne Artz OBE FCSI (Hon) CMgr CCMI AIGP, CEO of FTSE Women Leaders Review


Sarah Connaughton, Group HR Director, Bovill Newgate

Denis Jackson, Group CEO, The Law Debenture Corporation

Paul Modley, Managing Director, Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging, AMS

3:20 PM
Talks followed by an interactive session with the audience - Exploring different stages in women’s careers. Succeeding in finance in the age of longevity


Avivah Wittenborg-Cox, CEO, 20-First

Talk I: Finance as a springboard for success

  • Explore the foundations that a first career in finance creates- a time for building skills, connections and experiences for success in midlife and beyond.
  • Making the most of your Power Decade and how this chapter is full of so much promise and opportunity. Getting bright, skilled, and able women back into the workplace and unleashing this lost 40+ talent, driving positive change and boosting the economy.
  • At Really Helpful Club, we inspire, empower and encourage women to navigate transition at every age and every stage in life, to seize opportunities to enter or return to the financial world and embark on their next chapter of success


Sarah Austin, CEO, Really Helpful Club


Talk II - How to unlock the secret to longevity of a successful finance career

  • The perfection trap
  • Enjoy the process not the outcome 
  • The power of network
  • Celebrate small wins
  • Manage your career before your job
  • Follow your passion


Annie Ren, Executive Board Member & Director of Governance, Women in Banking & Finance

Talk III - Navigating Financial Leadership: Empowering Women at Every Career Stage in the Era of Longevity     

  • The Changing Landscape: increased representation of women in senior finance roles, the benefits of flexible working and lifelong learning, and the ongoing challenges such as the gender pay gap and workplace culture.
  • Strategies for early, mid, and senior career stages, including mentorship, skill development, leadership, work-life balance, and preparing for extended careers through continuous learning and adaptability.
  • Success Stories and Future Outlook: inspiring success stories from industry leaders, the future impact of AI and technology on finance, the emerging skills needed, and the importance of diversity policies and advocacy for women's career advancement.


Dr Ceri Willmott, Director of Careers Consulting and Professional Development, Imperial College Business School

4:20 PM
Afternoon tea & networking
4:35 PM

Fireside chat II: Rebirthing the Financial Industry. Creating a conscious blueprint for a healthier and more productive structure. What women inheriting massive health transfer might mean for the industry, and how the finance community might want to get ready.

Simone Vroegop, EMEA Head of the Investment Managers, BNY 

In conversation with
Marika Messager, CEO & Founder,

4:55 PM
Fireside chat III - Reversing the loss of female talent & focusing on attraction and retention


Olivia Larkin, Head of Skills and Workforce Policy, City of London Corporation

In conversation with

Claire Tunley, Chief Executive, Financial Services Skills Commission

James Sullivan, Founder and CEO, Divento Financials

5:25 PM
Chair’s closing remarks and close of proceedings

Video Recording

The conference fee includes 28 day access to video recordings, excluding any sessions that may have been held under the Chatham House Rule or off the record.