
Professor Stephan Harrison
Professor Stephan Harrison
Director of Climate Change Risk Management, Professor of Climate and Environmental Change
Exeter University

Lisa Constable
Lisa Constable
Weather Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Manager
Network Rail

Helen Smart
Helen Smart
Head of Climate Adaptation
Department for Transport (DfT)

Tim Rowe
Tim Rowe
Technical Specialist, Sustainable Finance Division
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Mahesh Roy
Mahesh Roy
Investor Strategies Programme Director
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)

Barbara Davidson
Barbara Davidson
Head of Accounting, Audit and Disclosure
Carbon Tracker

Amir Sokolowski
Amir Sokolowski
Global Director, Climate Change

Heather Buchanan
Heather Buchanan
Chief Executive & Co-Founder

Dominika Nowosinska
UK and Europe Market Lead for Environment & Society
Mott MacDonald

Alastair Chisholm
Director of Policy
The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

Emma Howard Boyd CBE
Emma Howard Boyd CBE
Chair of the London Climate Resilience Review
UN Global Ambassador for Race to Zero and Race to Resilience

Catherine Bremner
Catherine Bremner
Co-Chair of the Adaptation Working Group
The Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF)

Kate Levick
Kate Levick
Founding Director, The International Transition Plan Network (ITPN)
Associate Director, Finance & Resilience, E3G

James Hubbard
James Hubbard
Partner, Sustainability and Climate Solutions

Lukas Kocher
Lukas Kocher
Consultant, Climate Change Solutions
Munich Re

Dr Richard Millar
Dr Richard Millar
Head of Adaptation
Climate Change Committee

Prof. (Dr) Anusha Shah
Senior Director, Resilient Cities and UK Climate Adaptation Lead

Sarah Winne
Associate Technical Director, Climate Risk & Adaptation

Sudeshna Raychaudhuri
Sudeshna Raychaudhuri
Senior Specialist, Climate Adaptation & Resilience
Principles for Responsible Investment